Enter the Void! Hypnagogic Light + Hape Ceremony + Soundbath with Telin Neville


Sunday, April 24th

Time: 4:00 to 6:00 pm

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IntoMeSea invites you to a hallowed ceremony sitting with the sacred plant medicine, Hape. With deep respect to the curative powers of this plant spirit, we will connect to this ancient medicine in a safe and peaceful container. Come with the intention to heal and be a witness to the healing of those around you.

We begin this event under the Lucia N°03 hypnagogic light as a way to ground and connect deeply with our physical and subtle bodies, setting clear intentions for our ceremony. Then we connect with the sacred forces of the jungle: focus, clarity, and healing as we partake in Hape together. After, we will bathe our souls in sound and prepare to reenter the Earth realm.

Hape is a sacred blend of medicinal plants administered by a shamanic practitioner by blowing the medicine into the nostrils. Benefits are grounding and detoxifying the energetic and physical bodies, realigning, and clearing the chakras, and removing abhorrent energies from the system. Hape works with each person in a very personal way and affects everyone differently.

Please do not eat 1 – 2 hours before ceremony. Do not consume alcohol within 7 hours prior to the ceremony. Bring a pillow, a blanket, and a refillable water bottle. Yoga mats and bolsters are provided.

A waiver with additional details on the ceremony must be signed at the time of payment and prior to participating.

Telin Neville is a certified practitioner in Hape Plant Medicine by an indigenous leader and master lineage carrier Chief Haru from the Kuntanawa Tribe. Energy practitioner, Martha Lockie, will be holding space and offering support.

*Important: Participants must be 21 years of age. Hape is not intended for persons taking SSRI’s, antidepressants or women who are pregnant.