Thanksgiving Themed Meditation and Full Moon Ceremony with Fabio

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Sunday, November 21, 2021
Time: 5 to 7 pm

During this meditation we will practice grounding techniques, release holiday triggers, and get in touch with the Thanksgiving angels through gratitude affirmations. 

This is also a story telling meditation. You will get to live and breathe as a maple tree, have forest visitors that will bring you gifts, others that need you for their survival, witness the seasons and stretch your soul a little taller. 

And since this is a Full Moon week, come ready to do some major release. 

Fábio will use sound bath instruments throughout the meditation and do a mini tarot reading for everyone at the end of the ceremony.

*In addition to being a healer, Fábio is also a screenwriter who mixes folklore and fantasy stories with healing techniques.  @superfabuloso